1.1 Control Unit
Communication interface:
Based on RS-422A, EIA standard
Based on RS-232C, EIA standard
(Specify when ordering.)
Communications modes:
4-wire system, multi-drop connection (RS-422A)
Point-to-point connection (RS-232C)
Maximum connections:
16 units (RS-422A)
1 unit (RS-232C)
Synchronous method:
Start/stop synchronous type
Communication speed:
2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600 bps, 19200 bps (Any can be selected)
Data format:
Start bit: 1
Data bit: 7 or 8
Parity bit: Without, Odd or Even
(Unused when data bit is 8)
Stop bit: 1
Based on ANSI X3.28 subcategory 2.5, B1
Polling/selecting type
Error control:
Vertical parity (When parity bit is selected)
Horizontal parity
Block length:
128 bytes or less
Data types:
Text : ASCII code
Control codes : ENQ (05H), EOT (04H), STX (02H), ETB (17H),
ETX (03H), ACK (06H), NAK (15H)
Codes in brackets ( ) are in hexadecimal.
Time out time:
3 seconds
Unit address:
00 to 15
Communications content:
Temperature measured value
Temperature set value,
Check of alarm state and setting of alarms
Data sending transfer time:
0 to 255 ms