4. Use/Operators
4.1 Intended use
The electric cylinder LZ60 S/P is intended exclusively for the adjustment of guided components or
other adjustment tasks of a similar nature.
Catalogue information, the contents of these assembly instructions and conditions laid down in
the order are to be taken into account.
The intended use also implies observance of all the instructions contained in this manual.
4.2 Reasonably foreseeable misuse
Any other application or use going beyond the intended use is considered to be an improper use.
Overloading the appliance by exceeding the weight or duty cycle
Use outdoors
Use in an environment with high air humidity > dewpoint
Use in rooms with a potentially explosive atmosphere as defined in the ATEX directive
Use when the electric cylinder is not sufficiently fixed.
Use in areas outside the specified IP protection class.
Opening the appliance
Moving up to the stop.
Use with damaged feed lines or housing
Use in the food processing industry with direct contact with unpacked foods
Use in a contaminated environment
Use in dusty atmospheres
Use in an atmosphere containing solvents
Design measures should be taken to prevent potential malfunction of the limit switch. The electric
cylinder may not be exposed to lateral forces. No risk must arise if the mains plug is pulled out.
4.3 Who is authorised to use, install and operate this electric
Persons who have read and understood all of these assembly instructions are permitted to use the
electric cylinder, install it and operate it. The responsibilities for dealing with this electric cylinder
must be clearly defined and adhered to.