4 of 40
Constructing a Wood Platform
IMPORTANT: It is very important to begin with a level surface. Check your foundation to ensure it is level at every
point. If you are not building on a wood deck, we recommend constructing a wood platform so you can properly
secure the greenhouse. You must assure your foundation is square and level before beginning assembly.
After choosing a location, proper preparation of the site is essential. The site must be level. Create a wood
platform using a perimeter of pressure treated two by fours filled with either soil, sod or gravel.
Buy pressure treated 2x4 lumber. You will use two layers with the corner positions staggered for maximum
strength. The finished dimensions will be 101” by 101
Eight 10’ pressure treated 2x4 lumber cut to 97½”
Fifty #8 3” wood screws
Make sure each corner is square and then secure one corner with wood screws.
Move to the diagonal corner, make sure it is square and then secure with wood
screws. As you continue to secure the 2x4 wood platform, continue to make
certain the corners are square and the frame is level.
Secure wood platform every two feet with wood screws. Make certain to tighten screws into the wood platform
until they are flush with the surface.
Spirit Level
Corner Square
Phillips Screwdiver
Power Drill (recommended)
NOTE: When constructing the greenhouse on a wood deck, make certain the
surface is level. Creating an additional wood platform is not necessary.
NOTE: The illustrations throughout the manual are shown without a foundation.