9 of 40
Set Screw Placement Code
Set screws used in steps 1.4A and 1.4B
Set screws used in steps 2 through 10
Set screws used in step 11
Install T-bolts into inside and outside bolt tracks as shown below. Some of the T-bolts are
secured in this step. Most are secured in later steps. Pay careful attention to ensure you have
the correct number of T-bolts in the correct bolt track in each profile. The profiles have different
amounts of T-bolts on the inside and outside bolt tracks.
NOTE: Instructions identify twenty T-bolts
necessary for securing to ground in step 11.
IMPORTANT: When assembling base, make sure the
profiles are straight and flush against each other.
Secure profiles together, and ensure corners are
square. The diagonal measurements on inside corners
should be equal. Secure corners to desired foundation
until assembly is completed. We recommend using a
two by four platform.