Each of the elements contained in a material has X-ray absorption edges of specific energies. When the
absorption coefficient is precisely measured near and beyond the absorption edges, a oscillatory vibration
of the X-ray absorption as a function of photon energy is observed. This is the X-ray Absorption Fine
Structure (XAFS), which can be further divided into an X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES)
observed near the absorption edge, and an Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) observed
along approximately 1 keV on the higher-energy side above the edge. While information on the valence
state of an atom is obtained from the XANES spectrum, analysis of the EXAFS spectrum provides
information on the local structure. The R-XAS Looper is the equipment developed for the measurement of
XAFS spectrum in a laboratory.
Figure 1.1 General View of the System (D010524A01)