MiniFlex 600: Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer
X-Ray Tube and Scintillation Counter (SC)
When the diffracted X-ray intensity has diminished or the background has
relatively increased over time, it is likely that the X-ray tube has been degraded,
or that the scintillator employed in the SC has deteriorated. By performing
measurement of standard data such as Si powder immediately after the
installation of MiniFlex 600 and storing it, the attenuation of the diffracted X-ray
intensity, for example, will indicate the best time to replace the consumables.
Replacing the X-ray Tube
(Procedures required when cleaning filter or
replacing tube)
Removing and installing the X-Ray tube
Follow the procedures below to remove and install the X-ray tube at times such
as when it is necessary to replace the X-ray tube or to clean the filter of the jetter
of the X-ray tube.
Tools used: Philips screwdriver, slotted screwdriver, waste cloth
If the cooling water remains within the water tank, the X-ray tube may be
damaged due to water leakage.
Turn OFF the “Power circuit breaker” (see Fig. 2.2) on the rear side of
the MiniFlex 600 main unit.
Wait for at least 30 minutes or more after X-RAY OFF of MiniFlex 600, and then start
the replacement procedures.
Stop running the cooling water for the X-ray tube.
When using the heat exchanger, turn the power of the heat exchanger off.
When using tap water, close the faucet and stop running the water.
Remove the cooling water hose from the equipment side at the rear
side of the enclosure (see Fig. 9.1) and drain out the water remaining in
the X-ray tube.
Prepare a bucket or other container to receive the water. The water in