Measurement of Samples (Daily routine)
MiniFlex 600: Benchtop X-ray Diffractometer
Click the Condition Setting button to open the Measurement condition
window. Select the specified measurement condition number, check the
“Execute” checkbox, and enter measurement conditions.
Fig. 8.7 Measurement conditions
The conditions for qualitative analysis data measurement when using the
Scintillation Counter as the detector are as follows. Enter the measurement
conditions by using these conditions as a reference.
30 kV-15 mA
(40 kV – 15 mA if counter monochromator is used)
DS = 1.25
and 10 mm, SS = 1.25
, RS = 0.3 mm
* If main diffracted rays are present near the 2θ axis of 10
angle, select the 0.625
DS. Insert the Ni filter layered
with the SS slit. When using the counter monochromator,
remove the Ni filter.
Slit condition:
Va fixed slit system
Scan axis:
Theta/2-Theta (Fixed)
Measurement mode: Continuous
Count unit:
cps (Changeable at the time of processing.)
Start angle:
Stop angle: