DBM unit for Cu (option: 2726H112)
SmartLab: Automated Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer
DBM unit for Cu (option: 2726H112)
This unit is used to monochromatize the diffracted beam such that only K
x-rays are detected.
Change the curvature of the monochromating crystal from Bent (para-focusing
geometry) to Flat (parallel beam geometry) by rotating the dial on the top of the
monochromator housing.
DBM (diffracted beam monochromator) unit for Cu
Diffracted beam monochromator unit using Cu for para-focusing optics only (Bent only) can
be supplied (2726H113).
Install the scintillation counter on the diffracted beam monochromator
unit. Secure it in place with the Allen wrench provided.
Changeover dial