Product Features
SmartLab: Automated Multipurpose X-ray Diffractometer
Cross beam optics (CBO)
This unit allows easy switching between the direct beam for para-focusing
(Bragg-Brentano) optics for phase ID analysis and quantitative analysis of
powder samples and a monochromatic parallel beam using a multilayer mirror
for profile analysis of powder samples, measurement of preferred orientation,
measurement of thin film samples, RSM measurement, and rocking curve
measurement, simply by changing a selection slit. Similarly, other selection slits
allow easy switching between small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) optics for
nano-structural measurements and small aperture optics for micro area analysis.
Alignment mechanism (monochromators and analyzers)
You can select crystal index and type based on the resolution required for
measurement. The 2-bounce monochromators, 4-bounce monochromators, and
2-bounce analyzers have built-in adjustment mechanisms that enable automatic
adjustment via control software (hereinafter referred to as “SmartLab
Guidance”). Crystal adjustment positions are preserved even after the unit is
removed, enabling data measurements without readjustment, simply by
installing the previously adjusted crystal.
Receiving analyzer system
Since the receiving slit box # 2 has a translatable slit position, the following
receiving analyzer systems can be used for different applications simply by
replacing the parts and using the automatic adjustment function of SmartLab
• Double-slit analyzer with two variable slits on receiving side
Para-focusing,, small-angle scattering, and reflectivity measurement
geometries, etc.
• Parallel-slit analyzer (PSA)
Profile measurements of powder samples using parallel beam optics and
requiring high intensity and high precision, thin film measurements, and
measurement of preferred orientation, etc.
• 2-bounce
Reflectivity measurements requiring high resolution, RSM measurements,
and rocking curve measurements, etc.