Augmented Reality (AR) is the next big thing.
AR represents a shift in human technology comparable to the advent of smartphones and personal
computing before them. It is the bridge between the virtual and the real. From social interaction to
logistics, entertainment and economics, the world is about to change drastically.
In your hands, you hold the first step to this new technology.
We’ve enjoyed combining AR with our passion for snow sports, and now it’s your turn. With RideOn
goggles, your ski experience will be more interactive, intelligent, and entertaining.
RideOn’s AR will be there when you need maps, music, your buddies, and much more. You’ll see all of
this virtual information dexterously integrated into the mountain and people around you. And all of this
connectivity is accessed hands-free, using just your vision.
In this manual, you’ll find all you need to get started. Read it, then go shred some slopes already!
Keep Riding,
Team RideOn