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safely and manage traffic, road conditions, sudden situations, and respect the laws governing electric bike
use where they are riding. If you have an impairment or disability such as a visual impairment, hearing
impairment, physical impairment, cognitive/language impairment, or a seizure disorder, consult your
physician before riding any bike.
Have installation/assembly checked by a professional bike mechanic or completed entirely by a bike
mechanic prior to riding. All bolts and nuts should be checked. Failure to do so could result in serious injury
and/or death.
When operating your e-bike: Do not wear earplugs, headphones, headsets, or use a cell phone while
riding. Never hitch rides on other vehicles. Never hold an item which interferes with your grip on the
handlebars and never be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while riding.
ALWAYS wear a helmet when riding your e-bike. Wear appropriate shoes, eye protection, and avoid
loose clothing. Wear reflective clothing and gear when visibility is diminished. Failure to do so may result in
serious injury and/or death.
1.6 Additional Warnings (Continued):
It is your obligation to check all applicable laws for bicycle rules governing operation, equipment, use and
appropriate places for operation. Do not exceed local speed restrictions. Maintain your brakes such that you
can at least execute a one-braked-wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
Never configure your e-bike such that the handlebars are higher than a rider's shoulders because this will
reduce the rider’s ability to steer and control the e-bike. In addition to front and rear reflectors, you must also
ensure that the e-bike is equipped with side reflectors. Never ride your e-bike without the seat provided with
the e-bike.
This e-bike is not meant for downhill riding, rocky trails or ariel maneuvers.
Do not ride your e-bike in unsafe weather conditions or when the road surface is comprised, with ice,
snow, water, sand, loose gravel or anything else that could cause a loss of traction. Failure to follow this rule
may result in serious injury and/or death.
It is recommended to not ride in wet weather. Wet weather impairs visibility, braking and traction of the ebike
and affects others sharing the road. Accidents increase in wet weather conditions.
Keep your e-bike and packaging materials such as plastics, foam, and cardboard away from children.