6.2.4. Document Pick-up Roller
Remove the scanner upper cover (see Contact Image Sensor).
A: Ground Plate (1 tapping screw)
B: Scanner Right Inner Cover (1 hook, 1 pin)
C: Document Pick-up Roller Assembly (2 E-rings, 1 gear, 1 coil spring, 1
spring cover, 1 plastic cam, 1 pin, 2 bushings, 2 hooks)
Note: Be careful not to break the hooks [D] when removing the document
pick-up roller assembly.
Slide the Document Feed Roller [E] to the right together with the white plastic
roller clipped to the shaft on the right.
Note: Be careful not to drop the pins when disassembling.
E: Document Feed Roller
Note: During reassembly, ensure that the end of the spring [F] is placed into
any of the five notches [G]. Also ensure that the other end of the spring [H] is
placed into the notch on the cam [I].
July 30th, 1996