Standard Equalization Programs
Both automatic and manual equalizations can be performed using the standard charging
Manual Equalization
The SunWide is shipped with the DIP switch set for manual equalization only. This is to
avoid an unexpected or unwanted automatic equalization. In the manual mode, the
pushbutton is used to both start or stop a manual equalization. Hold the pushbutton down
for 5 seconds to start or stop an equalization (depending on whether an equalization is in
progress or not).
There are no limits to how many times the pushbutton can be used to start and stop
equalizations. Equalizations will be terminated automatically as per the charging program
selected if the pushbutton is not used to manually stop the equalization.
Automatic Equalization
If the equalization DIP switch is moved to the ON position
, the equalizations will begin
automatically as per the charging program selected. Other than starting, the automatic and
manual equalizations are the same and follow the standard charging program selected.
The pushbutton can be used to start and stop equalizations in both the manual and
automatic mode.
Typical Equalizations
The automatic equalizations will occur at the selected charging program from Dip Switch
3~5. When an equalization begins (auto or manual), the battery charging voltage
increases up to the equalization voltage (Veq). The battery will remain at Veq for the
time specified in the selected charging program.
The equalization process will continue until the voltage has been held above the bulk
setting for a cumulate period of two hours. A second manual equalization cycle can be
started with the pushbutton if needed.
If the equalization cannot be completed in one day, it will continue the next day or days
until finished. After an equalization is completed, charging will return to PWM
When to Equalize
The ideal frequency of equalizations depends on the battery type (leadcalcium,
lead-antimony, etc.), the depth of discharging, battery age, temperature, and other factors.
One very broad guide is to equalize flooded batteries every 1 to 3 months or every 5 to 10
deep discharges. Some batteries, such as the L-16 group, will need more frequent
The difference between the highest cell and lowest cell in a battery can also indicate the
need for an equalization. Either the specific gravity or the cell voltage can be measured.