Summit SB-1000 Bariatric Wheelchair Scale Installation Manual
With all potentiometers at full signal, place the test weight over one corner and record the indicated weight.
Repeat the process for each of the other three corners. The load cell with the lowest corner reading is used as a
reference point and will not be trimmed.
Next, place the test weight over one of the other three corners and use that cell’s potentiometer to adjust the cell
output down to the reference cell output. Repeat this procedure with the other two high corners.
Adjustments are somewhat interactive, and adjusting the three higher outputs may affect the reference cell
output, especially in smaller scale decks. Rezero the indicator and repeat the test until all corners read within
±.1% of the test weight used.
Calibration Procedure
Refer to the indicator section (Section 5.0) to determine correct calibration procedures.
It is recommended that the scale be “exercised” before calibration to be certain that everything is seated. Load
the scale to near capacity two or three times.
Then, with no load on the scale, place the indicator in its calibration mode and perform a zero calibration. Now
place test weights on the platform equal to 70% - 80% of the scale’s capacity. If several weights are used, they
should be evenly distributed around the platform. Perform a span calibration.
Remove the test weights and check the zero reading. Repeat the calibration process if necessary.