TM049 27L Continuous Flow Service Instructions
– Issued April 2019
This document is stored and maintained electronically by Rheem Technical Support.
All printed copies are deemed “uncontrolled”.
Controller Functions
ON / OFF button
Press once to turn on the controller. The button will glow
when the controller is on. A controller cannot be turned
on if water is flowing from a hot tap. Press the button to
turn off the controller. A controller can be turned off
whilst water is flowing.
Bath-Fill button
Initiates Bath-Fill mode and once pressed will display
the last used Bath-Fill water volume in litres and the last
used Bath-Fill temperature in °C. The displayed Bath-
Fill water volume and temperature can be adjusted by
using the Bath-Fill water volume and temperature
control buttons located beneath the hinged panel
Bath-Fill operating light
Illuminates whenever Bath-Fill mode is in operation.
Bath-Fill Temperature
(up button)
Increases the Bath-Fill temperature setting.
Bath-Fill Temperature
(down button)
Decreases the Bath-Fill temperature setting.
Bath Fill Water Volume
(up button)
Increases the Bath-Fill water volume setting in
increments of 10 litres up to 500 litres. A further setting
of 990 litres can be selected.
Bath Fill Water Volume
(down button)
Decreases the Bath-Fill water volume setting.
Assistance Call button
When pressed sounds a message or alert tone on the
Kitchen Controller indicating that assistance is required
in the bathroom.
Bath-Fill Water Volume
Displays the selected Bath-Fill water volume in litres.
The quantity of water can be adjusted using the Bath-
Fill Water Volume adjustment buttons located beneath
the hinged panel.
Heater Operating light
Illuminates on all controllers when hot water is flowing.
Heater ACTIVE light
Illuminates when
that controller is ‘active’. The
Bathroom controller when turned on, has priority over
the Kitchen controller. Priority means that a controller
has control of the water heater temperature setting. The
water temperature setting can only be adjusted by the
controller that is displaying the ACTIVE message.
Temperature Display
Displays the current temperature setting on all
controllers in °C when any controller is on. If all
controllers are off the display remains blank.
(up button)
Increases the general purpose temperature setting.
(down button)
Decreases the general purpose temperature setting.
Bath Fill notes:
The Deluxe controller will cease the flow of hot water from the water heater once the
desired volume of hot water has been delivered when in Bath Fill mode.