Remote control range is limited.
Check battery in key chain transmitter. If the range is only
limited while in your boat, try holding the transmitter over your
head. Proximity to cell phone towers, power lines, and other
electromagnetic interference can also reduce remote control
Fluid overflows reservoir.
It is normal to see some fluid overflow from the reservoir when
the platform is cycled all the way down the first few times.
Lift stops after a split second.
Battery is low. If the battery is becoming low, the remote control
will stop functioning at about 11 volts. The lift can still be
operated using the up/down switch in the power supply, but the
pump motor will stop and the green solenoid light will shut off if
the voltage drops below 9 volts. Charge the battery using a 10A
Power supply is operating properly, but platform
raising is either difficult or impossible.
Platform is binding because frame is either not square or not set
level in the water—refer to Chapter 3.
Load exceeds rated capacity— reduce load weight as needed.
User or dealer installed locking devices are in place—remove
Auxiliary equipment such as boating hardware is being
improperly hung on lift—remove this equipment permanently.
Hoses to cylinders are leaking fluid in line, have a poor
connection, or are kinked.
Hydraulic system malfunctioning—contact your authorized
service center.
Cylinders fail to hold the platform in a given
position as described in the test procedure of
Section 4.2
Check hose connections.
Contact your authorized dealer—tampering with the hydraulic
system can cause equipment damage that may invalidate your
Lift does not go down.
Turn the speed control knob counter clockwise. This valve only
limits the downward speed of the lift. If that does not solve the
problem, check that the black wire is connected to the left coil on
the pump, and the yellow wire is on the right coil.
Lowest platform position is too high or low relative
to the water.
Connections between the vertical and adjustable legs need
readjusting as described in Chapter 3.
Boat is not lifting level—stern is lifting higher or
lower than the bow.
Frame is not level in the water—relocate pin connections
between the adjustable and vertical legs.
Boat shifts position when operating the lift.
Boat is not properly secured on the lift—failure to properly
secure boat can cause equipment damage and/or serious personal