Click on the spot next to "DEC VT-100 [ANSI]," and then click on the "OK" command button.
The "Terminal Emulator" dialog box will disappear.
Click on the "Settings" menu name, and then click on "Terminal Preferences" in the menu that appears.
The "Terminal Preferences" dialog box will appear. (See Figure 4-3.)
RFL 9660
RFL Electronics Inc.
April 24, 2007
(973) 334-3100
Figure 4-3. "Terminal Preferences" dialog box for Microsoft Windows Terminal Emulator
In the "Terminal Modes" box, make sure there is an "X" in the box next to "Line Wrap" and "Sound." If
not, click on the box until an "X" appears.
In the "Columns" box, make sure there is a black dot in the circle next to "80." If not, click on the circle
until a dot appears.
In the "Cursor" box, make sure there is a black dot in the circle next to "Block" if you want a block
cursor, or in the circle next to "Underline" if you want an underline cursor. If you want the cursor to
flash, make sure there is an "X" in the box next to "Blink." If not, click on the box until an "X" is not
In the "Terminal Font" box, make sure the font you want is highlighted. If not, scroll the window up or
down until your choice is displayed, and then click on it. If your font selection has more than one size
available, click on the size that you want.
If you're not sure about the font, leave it set to "Terminal 12."
The "Translations" box lets you adapt the terminal emulator to the character set your PC uses. For
users in the United States and English-Speaking Canada, make sure "None" is highlighted; if it isn't,
scroll the window up or down until "None" is displayed, and then click on it. Users in French-Speaking
Canada or other countries should scroll the window up or down to find the translation they need, and
then click on it.
Make sure there is an "X" in the boxes next to "Show Scroll Bars" and "Use Function, Arrow, and Ctrl
Keys for Windows." If not, click on each box until an "X" appears.