The port label is a unique character string that can be used to identify the device attached to one of the
RFL 9660's ports. Once set, the port label can be used to select the port you want to access. When you are
granted access to the port, the port label will appear at the top of the port information display, next to the port
number. Port labels are also listed on the port summary table when it is displayed. (See Section 4.)
To enter or change a port label, use the following procedure:
1. Press
keys. The following prompt will appear on your display:
old label - will be blank if there is no old label
Please enter new label, up to 30 characters. _
Enter the new port label, followed by the
Port labels can be any combination of letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces that is
30 characters or less.
Like passwords, port labels are case-sensitive.
Once you enter a port label, all users must enter it
the same way you did; otherwise, the RFL 9660 will not accept it.
The "M" selection lets you set the port's communication parameters to match those of the device connected to
it. It is usually best to match the port's communication parameters to the device, rather than modifying the
device's parameters to match the port. (Refer to the application notes in Section 15 or the manual supplied with
the device for more information on the settings you will have to make. If you cannot find the information you
need in either place, contact the device's manufacturer.)
To set the communication parameters, press the
keys. The following prompt will appear on
your display:
Baud: 0 = 300 1 = 1200 2 = 2400 3 = 4800 4 = 9600 5 = 19.2K: _
Enter the number that matches the baud rate of the device connected to the port, and then press the
key. The following prompt will appear on your display:
Data bits: 7 or 8: _
Enter the number that matches the number of data bits for the device connected to the port, and then press the
key. The following prompt will appear on your display:
Parity: 0=none, 1=even, 2=odd: _
Enter the number that matches the parity of the device connected to the port, and then press the
The following prompt will appear on your display:
Stop bits: 1 or 2: _
Enter the number that matches the number of stop bits for the device connected to the port, and then press the
key. The updated port information display and list of selections will be re-displayed, containing the
new parameter settings.
RFL 9660
RFL Electronics Inc.
October 1, 1999
(973) 334-3100