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RF MOGUL 3604 South Via Terra Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Sales: 801-895-3392 Email:
Controller Operations
There is a total of 6 connections that must be connected correctly between the Satellite Antenna
Controller, HT2000 Modem, the 90CM Antenna Mount, Wifi Network Router, and the Power supplies
that are included with the satellite.
1. Power Supplies as shown (3 each supplied with Electronic Device).
2. Antenna Control Cable to 90CM Antenna Mount (30 feet approximate).
3. LAN port to External Router LAN port input.
4. HNS90 Modem to WAN Port on Router.
5. Laptop/PC direct LAN wire to Router (or Wifi Option).
6. HNS90 SAT port to 90CM Mount (30 feet RG6 Coax approximate).
See simplified wire diagram on the next page.