a. Saving a scene
A scene must have been defined in a
two-step process before it can be
Step 1
To start with, you define through
Setup – Scene, which rooms are
involved and which are not.
Essentially, there are three room
statuses when defining the scene:
1. The room is actively switched on
when the scene is called if it was
switched off at the time or it
remains switched on.
The room is an active element of the
Room included: YES
2. The room is actively switched off
when the scene is called if it was
switched on at the time or it
remains switched off.
The room is an active element of the
Room included: YES
3. The room retains its status (on or
off) when the scene is called.
The room is not an active element of
the scene, i.e. it remains passive.
Room included: NO
This is an advantage, if it should be
guaranteed that the person in the
corresponding room can decide
independently whether music should
be played or not.
Scene example:
Coming home
If only the rooms
were selected for a scene Coming
home and all others were switched
off, it could happen that music being
played by persons who were already
in the house is switched off.
With the Store softkey, you reach the
level where the classification of
Included YES or Included NO is