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RO-300G & RO-600G
- System Location: Select a place with enough space to install
your system close to an area where you have available potable
water (cold line), drain and electrical power 120 V.
- Take out the box your system and identify all the components.
Start placing RO membrane into the housing membrane. You
can temporarily disconnect the tubing that feeds the input of RO
housing cap threated , using the wrench you can loosen the cap.
Remove membrane from bag and place in the RO housing with
the external oring directed towards the outer side of the cap.
- Tighten the cap with the wrench until get a good seal to prevent
leakage. Return the RO housing to the main original position and
put together tubing and connector removed.
- Install the feed valve’s system, this will be placed in the supply
line of cold water in your sink, place the pressure regulator about
2 ft from the water feed valve and scroll the tubing to where the
purifying equipment is to be installed, place it on the system ‘s
feed that is at the entrance of the sediment filter.
- Make sure the filter holders are tight and also to make the
circulation of its line of drainage where applicable. The drain line
is the final connection of the membranes and waste water is high
in salts minerals that should be discarded and not recommended
to reuse this water to feed the system again and to cause serious
damage to the membranes.
- Install the valve arrangement of purified water at the point of
choice and also place the storage tank in its final position, then
the hydraulic preparations corresponding thereto.
- Do not forget to place a key storage tank outlet that
will help in future repairs and maintenance of their post-
treatment to close the line of purified water.
- Before electrically connecting the system to make sure there
are no leaks in the supply line opening the stopcock, if it detects
any leakage repair it before continuing.
- Let the water flow for at least 5 minutes before electrically
connecting the equipment to ensure that the holder filled with
water pre-treatment and also be releasing the air the system.
- We recommend starting at first produce osmosis water allowing
free passage for the connections to check that there is no leakage
in their connectors which should keep the key final disposition
open and close the tap of the tank. The water began to come out
of the faucet until it fills before the post-carbon filter and that can
take up to 5 minutes.
- Dispose of the initial product/permeate (clean) water until the
TDS level/conductivity of the product water stabilizes at the
lowest (cleanest) value. Use any TDS or Conductivity meter to
monitor the product water quality. Once the system has been
flushed and the TDS level has stabilized, the permeate/product
line can be attached to the storage tank. Additional flushing of
the storage tank and distribution system may be required to
reach the TDS level that is produced directly after the RO system
at all points of use.
- When the tank reaches 40 psi System receive a signal at its
high pressure switch and (s) pump (s) will turn off automatic.
Check before leaving the only operating system that there are
no leaks. Analyze the content of STD to confirm the efficiency of
your system.
Installation and Startup
RO-300G-600G_manual.indd 6
6/28/16 3:57 PM