Guidelines on safe flying
• Always lay the helicopter down on a smooth surface. A slanting surface may negatively affect
the starting characteristics of the helicopter.
• Always move the regulator slowly and sensitively.
• Always observe the helicopter and not the remote control unit!
• Move the actuating regulator downwards slightly as soon as the helicopter lifts off from the
ground. In order to maintain the flying height, adapt the actuating regulator settings.
• If the helicopter goes lower, move the actuating regulator upwards slightly.
• If the helicopter rises, move the actuating regulator downwards slightly.
• In order to fly into a curve, it is often sufficient to tap the direction regulator gently into the
appropriate direction. During the first flight attempts, people tend to control the helicopter too
vehemently. The control regulator should always be moved slowly and carefully - never quickly
or suddenly.
• Beginners should, after trimming, first try to command the actuating regulator correctly. The
helicopter does not necessarily have to fly straight ahead at first - it is more important to main-
tain a consistent height of approximately one metre above the floor by repeated, brief tapping
of the actuating regulator. Only then should you practice moving the helicopter left and right.
The location in which the helicopter is flown must fulfil the following criteria:
The helicopter can be flown outdoors, but only when the wind is absolutely still.
The wind should also be still when flying in closed rooms. No air-conditioning units or heater
fans etc that could create a flow of air should be within the flight range wherever possible.
The flight range should be at least 6 metres long, 6 metres wide and 3 metres high.
The flight range should always be free of obstacles.
On starting, you must ensure that all living creatures - including the pilot - are standing
at least 1-2 m away from the helicopter when the flight begins.
Always observe the helicopter to ensure it does not fly at the pilot, other people or
animals and injure them.
Since 2005, there is an obligation of insurance for model aircraft and helicopters flown out-
doors. Please consult your private liability insurance and make sure that your new and present
models are included in this insurance. Please obtain this confirmation in writing and store
it at a safe place. Alternatively, DMFV offers in the Internet on a free trial
membership incl. insurance.
In order to bank to the left, move the direction regulator carefully to the left if the
helicopter is flying with its tail facing the pilot.
In order to bank to the right, move the direction regulator carefully to the right if
the helicopter is flying with its tail facing the pilot.
3. FLiGHt coNtRoLS:
In order to fly forwards, move the direction regulator carefully forwards.
In order to fly backwards, move the direction regulator carefully backwards.
In order to land or to fly lower, move the actuating regulator backwards. Minimal
corrections to the regulator are required to allow the helicopter to fly smoothly.
In order to start or to fly the helicopter higher, push the actuating regulator carefully forward.
When the switch is set to Quick, the helicopter flies faster backwards and forwards. If the switch is set to Slow, the
helicopter flies more slowly backwards and forwards.