21. Attach the lower chimney stabilize- and mounting plate (Fig.d) to the wall with two
ST4 x 40mm screws.
18. Fix the inner chimney mounting bracket (Fig. f) to the wall with two ST4 × 40mm
screws at the top of the ceiling.
14. Pull the inner chimney shaft straight up to the ceiling and place one marking line
on the sides of the shaft. (Fig. e)
15. Remove the chimneys from the hood.
16. Hold the upper (inner) chimney mounting bracket (Fig. f) at the top center of the
ceiling between the drawn marks (Fig. e) and mark the drilled holes with the two
holes (Fig. f) in the mounting bracket a pencil.
17. Using an 8mm masonry drill, drill two 40mm deep holes at the pencil markers and
place two plugs.
20. Slide the inner chimney shaft all the way down.
19. Place the two nested chimneys on the hood.
22. Fix the lower chimney shaft with two ST4 * 8mm screws on the sides of the hood
(Fig. g).
23. Pull the upper (inner) chimney shaft all the way up and secure it to the mounting
bracket with two ST4 * 8mm screws. (Fig. h)
25. Mount the carbon filters on the sides of the motor. (See user's manual chapter
"Using the carbon filters").
24. Lift the hoods on the front, remove the grease filter and secure the hood from the
inside with two ST4 × 30mm screws through the 2 holes in the hood back panel to
secure the hood. (Fig. i)
. f)
. g )
. e)
. h)
Fig. i)