The Trinity-300 series units can be configured via a web interface
built-in to the unit or by using the Repeatit network
management system, Radio Configuration Software (RCS).
2.1 Trinity-300 series Configuration concepts
The Trinity-300 series features an advanced configuration
management system with the ability to roll back to previously
working settings, even with automatic rollback in case of link loss.
This allows you to try out different settings to optimize your link
throughput while minimizing the risk of a disconnected link.
Configuration areas
A Trinity-300 series unit has several so-called “configuration
areas”. These areas hold configuration data and each area
contains one unique configuration instance. Some areas contain
different data depending on the unit status whilst some only
contain static configuration data that never change.
The following different areas exists within a Trinity-300 series
Inactive area
When you modify the configuration via the web interface, all
changes end up in this area. This is only a place holder until you
choose to apply the new configuration. Until that time, you can
rollback and/or keep modifying any setting without disrupting the
unit or link status.
Active area
This area always contains the current settings in use by the unit.
Stored area
Contains the configuration currently written to flash, this might
differ from both the inactive and active configurations.