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Software setting
Status tab
The status tab shows you the current connection and IP-status of the SU. Depending on the current
connection method the status tab shows different information. On the top you will find an indicator of the
current connection status and signal strength. Also you find statistics for the radio interface.
Status tab in Bridging Mode
Connection method
The SU works as a transparent layer two switch
TCP/IP Settings
Indicates if and what VLAN all data traffic is associated with.
VLAN 0 means that no VLAN is used.
Traffic with no VLAN-tag received on the Ethernet port will
be tagged with this VLAN. Traffic with this VLAN
transmitted on the Ethernet port will be untagged.
LAN HW address:
This is the SUs MAC address used on the Ethernet port. (In
bridge mode this is the only MAC address used by the SU)
IP address:
This is the current IP address that the SU could be reached on
from the Ethernet port.
This is the SUs current netmask defining the size of the
Status tab in Routing mode
Connection method
The SU works as a router and performs NAT between the
WAN and LAN port.
LAN TCP/IP Settings
LAN HW address:
This is the SUs MAC address used on the Ethernet
LAN IP address:
This is the current IP address that the SU could be reached on
from the Ethernet port. This is the IP address that user
equipment should set as gateway.
This is the SUs current net mask defining the size of
the LAN subnet.
WAN TCP/IP Settings
WAN HW address
This is the SUs MAC address used on the
WAN port (radio).