Owner‘s Manual Crimping Machine CM 25-3.4
Rev.: 2020-06-24
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10.2. Functional Operation
ON/OFF Switching
Push the “ON/OFF” button to turn the machine on or off.
Select Display
The crimping unit carries a wide range of display functions, which can be selected by pushing the recessed
“MODE” button. This enables the user to adjust the depth of the crimping indenters and to choose the value to
be shown in mm or inch, or alternatively the relevant selector positions from 1-8 according to the applicable
standard MIL22520 (does not apply to tool 8.76).
In order to change the display mode, take the gauge, which comes with the tool, and insert the gauge into
the recessed button „MODE“ and push it quickly until the desired display is shown. The display will show the
values in the following order:
Standard mm
MIL selector
Adjusting to the appropriate Crimp parameter
1. Industrial Turned Contacts
• Select standard or mm on the display
• Obtain the crimp indenter setting for the particular contact from the setting matrix provided with the tool,
from the crimp processing guidelines of the contact manufacturer or directly from Rennsteig Werkzeuge
• Change the crimp indenter setting (depth of indenters) by turning the adjustment wheel until the display
shows the desired value (in mm or inches)
• Lock in settings by fastening the clamping screw on the back of the unit
• Position the locator by lifting and turning into the correct slot
Please ensure that the selected value needs to be set by always dialing down from a
larger value to the desired value, for example, to set the tool to crimp value 2,0 mm,
dial up to 2,05 mm first and then down to 2 mm.
2. MIL Contacts
• Select MIL Selector position mode on the display
• Obtain the crimp indenter setting for the particular contact from the crimp processing guidelines of the
contact manufacturer
• Change the crimp indenter setting (depth of indenters) by turning the adjustment wheel until the display
shows the desired selector position (F1 - F8)
• Crimping unit set-up can be locked in by tightening the clamping screw
• Position the MIL- Locator by lifting and turning into the correct slot