b) Online/Offline Times of GSM („TIMEOUT“)
Chapter 7. b) (operating mode) already explained the subject of „ONLINE“ and „OFFLINE“ mode.
The command „TIMEOUT“ sets the times for „ONLINE“ and „OFFLINE“.
In the current hardware/firmware version, the GX111 works with an accuracy of ±3% for the set time.
The default setting for the „ONLINE“ mode is 15 minutes, to give you enough time to react. The default setting for
„OFFLINE“ mode is 1425 minutes to save energy.
This default setting specifies that the GX111 spends 15 minutes in „ONLINE“ mode every day, while remai-
ning in „OFFLINE“ mode the rest of the day (15 + 1425 = 1440 minutes = 24 h).
If you would like to be able to reach the GX111 more often than 1x per day, or if you would like to have more time to
react to the answer of the GX111, the times can be changed with the following command.
SET TIMEOUT <online time> <offline time> #1513
„ONLINE“ mode:
5 - 255 minutes
„OFFLINE“ mode:
0 - 65536 minutes
A longer time in „ONLINE“ mode will reduce the operating duration of the GX111.
Resetting online/offline times to the default settings
Send the following command to restore the factory settings:
„ONLINE“ mode:
15 minutes
„OFFLINE“ mode:
1425 minutes
Time conduct of the GX111 without a triggering alarm:
The GX111 switches its mode in the configured intervals.
SET TIMEOUT <online> <offline> #1513