d) Activate Position Tracking („TRACK“)
„Tracking“ means regular saving of the current position, including time stamp, in the internal memory. The position is
stored every 2 seconds. This cannot be changed.
The number of saved points depends on the current memory utilisation; the current number can only be determined
with the TEST command. At a later time, the values can be submitted to a PC by USB. The corresponding programme
can be used to track the path over time.
64512 position entries are saved in the GX111. If the number of entries is exceeded, the oldest 64 entries are deleted
and overwritten with new data.
Save settings:
Use the following command to configure and activate the records:
SET TRACK [<Name>] #1513
The parameter <Name> is optional and serves only to assign an internal name for recording (up to 10 characters).
In the basic settings, the name is „TRACKING“.
If the character length is exceeded, the GX111 returns an error message and tracking is not started.
If tracking is activated, the GX111 remains in „ONLINE“ mode at all times. The „TIMEOUT“ settings no
longer have any effect.
If no GPS data can be found, recording is interrupted for this period. Once new GPS data are received,
recording continues.
Checking settings:
To check the settings for the recording mode, use the command:
After sending the command, you will receive an answer text message (the time is indicated in UTC time).
GX111 1.xx
15.02.2013 20:18:12
Trackdata: 58% 36000
Track: Name
Tracking: on
The information „Trackdata: 58% 36000“ says that the tracking memory is filled to 58% and that about 36000 tracking
sets can still be written.
If you receive the feedback „Trackdata: 100% 0“, the tracking memory is full. New tracking data are written at the start
of the memory, deleting the 64 oldest sets of tracking data each. Tracking data are then lost.