11. Location Determination
The GPS receiver can be used to determine the current GPS position. Furthermore, you can be informed when the
GX111 leaves a pre-defined (permitted) area („GeoFence“). All functions in connection with position determination
are explained below.
First a few technical notes:
Depending on receiver position in the GX111, sight connection to the sky and the weather situation, it may
take up to 5 minutes until a GPS localisation can be performed.
The time until the first location is recognised may be reduced by optimised receiver location.
Within the first 30 minutes after first location determination, the GPS position data may have a higher
deviation. This is connected with the GPS signal that requires correction data for high accuracy (keyword:
Almanach). They are overlaid with the GPS signal and are usually transmitted once every 30 minutes.
a) General GPS Localisation („GPS“)
The following command requests the current GPS coordinates and returns them in an answering text message wit-
hout assessment. With this command, you need to assess the coordinates, e.g. by entering the coordinates in a route
planner or on a website with maps.
Since the GPS coordinates are returned in NMEA-0183 format, these data must be converted into decimal
format to be used by online map providers.
These are data directly sent from the GPS recipient. They have not been changed.
The command is as follows:
TEST GPS #1513
Return answer example:
GX111 1.xx
Device name, software version
5223.53801 N
Latitude (ggmm.mmmm)
02112.0730 E
Longitude (gggmm.mmmm)
The coordinates are indicated in NMEA-0183 format (g = degree, m = minute)
The answer to this command can be delayed by up to about 5 minutes due to the GPS search.