2 USB-socket (charging rechargeable battery)
The rechargeable battery of the GX111 is charged via the USB socket and an interface is provided for control/
configuration of the GX111. Permanent operation (power supply) via USB is possible as well.
Connected to the PC, a driver is needed for the „virtual COM port“ so that the GX111 can be configured/controlled
via USB and a firmware update performed. The required software and firmware files are available online at www.
conrad.com, in the download section for the product.
The GX111 must only be used with the officially provided software (download area on the product website).
3 Button „RESET“ for resetting
This button is used to restart the GX111.
In combination with the button „S1“, the GX111 is reset to factory settings. For more information, see chapter
„Factory settings“ farther back in these operating instructions.
4 Button „S1“ (wake up)
This button wakes up the GX111 so that it can be configured in the „ONLINE“ mode via text message. USB con-
figuration is only possible in „ONLINE“ mode either.
The button for panic alarm can be configured as well. Once the button is pushed, a text message alarm is sent
when the alarm mode is activated (command „S1“).
This LED is used to recognise the activity and status of the GPS module in the GX111. In the „ONLINE“ mode, this
LED will always flash or be lit.
A more detailed description of this LED is found in the chapter on description of the error codes and LED flashing
6 „AKKU“ LED (yellow)
The internal rechargeable battery is charged and monitored via a charging electronic system in the GX111. For
more information, see the chapter on description of the error codes and LED flashing sequences.
7 Micro SIM card holder
The micro SIM card holder is used to hold any micro SIM card.
The GX111 can only be activated with the micro SIM card inserted. The SIM card holder recognises inser-
tion of the card and releases the remaining hardware of the GX111.
Without the inserted SIM card, only charging of the rechargeable battery via USB is available, but no other
Observe that considerable costs may arise from mobile phone data consumption when using the SMTP
and GPRS functions.