b) Submission of a Web Link with GPS Position („GPSMAP“)
A Smartphone with internet connection can be used to display the current position via a link to the website Open-
StreetMap.org. This directly shows the current location.
The command for this function is:
If the link is opened with a Smartphone, the current location will be displayed.
An example for what this may look like is shown in the figure on the right.
The linked-to OpenStreetMap.org website requires a current
browser to display and control the map material. Therefore, a cur-
rent Smartphone with an internet connection is needed.
c) Reading Date/Time and Synchronising clock („GPSDATE“)
The clock in the GX111 is automatically synchronised with the time delivered by the GPS signal and the date during
system start.
If no GPS signal is available, the system time of the GPS signal is unchanged (the clock installed in the GX111 is not
updated and thus continues to run unchanged). In this case, you will receive the answering text message „No GPS
This command manually starts a search for the current time via GPS:
The current date and time are read from the GPS signal and the internal clock is synchronised. If no GPS is available,
the clock is not set.
To check availability of the GPS signal and the contained date and time, use the following command:
It reads the date and returns it.