Reference mark selector and limit magnet installation
IMPORTANT: Allow 24 hours after scale application before fitting magnets.
For accuracy and ease of positioning of reference mark selector and limit magnets, the applicator tool (A-9653-0201)
should be used. The magnet should be attached to the applicator tool as shown below. Limit magnets can be positioned
at any user defined location along the scale, but the reference mark selector magnet should be positioned adjacent to
the chosen
reference mark as shown below.
NOTE: Reference and limit magnets may creep when influenced by magnetic materials in close proximity. In such cases,
they should be held in place using an additional fillet of epoxy glue
or similar along the outer edge of the magnet assembly.
Optional bolted reference and limit magnets are available,
refer to ‘RGSZ20-S scale installation drawing’ for details.
Readhead mounting and alignment
Mounting brackets
The bracket must have a flat mounting surface and should provide adjustment to
enable conformance to the installation tolerances, allow adjustment to the rideheight
of the readhead, and be sufficiently stiff to prevent deflection or vibration of the
readhead during operation.
Readhead set-up
Ensure that the scale, readhead optical window and mounting face are clean and free
from obstructions. To set nominal rideheight, place the Green readhead spacer with the
aperture under the optical centre of the readhead to allow normal LED function during
set-up procedure. Adjust the readhead to maximise the signal strength along the full
axis of travel to achieve a Green set-up LED on the readhead (>70% signal).
If a digital Ti/TD interface is used, aim for a Blue LED on the interface.
NOTE: The readhead should be installed and set-up with the AGC switched off
(CAL LED off). When reinstalling factory defaults should be restored.
Green Orange Red
Readhead set-up LED status
2.1 ±0.15 mm
Green spacer
position of
reference selector
for readhead
orientation shown
P limit
Applicator tool
reference mark
backing paper
Limit trigger point
The limit output is nominally asserted when the readhead
limit switch sensor passes the limit magnet leading edge,
but can trigger up to 3 mm before that edge.
(See ‘RGSZ20-S scale installation drawing’).
Q limit
TONiC RGSZ installation guide