C. Inspect the wave spring retaining groove. Groove must be free of
displaced metal, worn edges and foreign matter.
WARNING: Replace screws that bent, have distorted and worn
threads, contain fractures, or have worn retaining spring grooves.
Step 6
A. To remove screw cup, tighten the internal set screw until the screw
cup lifts free of the screw. Removal of the screw cup destroys the
internal wave spring. The used spring must be discarded and re-
placed with a new unit.
WARNING: Discard used wave spring. Do not attempt to reas-
semble clamp with old spring. Always install new wave spring af-
ter disassembly of screw cup.
B. Inspect screw cup for fractures, damage, and wear. Serrations
must be sharp and free of imperfections and foreign matter. Retain-
ing spring groove must be free of displaced metal, worn edges, or
foreign matter.
WARNING: Replace worn, dull or damaged screw cups.
C. To install screw cup, insert lubricant into the recess of the screw.
The recommended lubricant is Molybdenum Disulfide grease. In-
stall new wave spring into retaining groove of the screw cup. The
spring must be fully retained in the groove width and centered about
its axis. Lightly lubricate set screw threads with Molybdenum Disul-
fide grease. Install set screw. Set screw must be fully contained
within the body of the screw cup and must not protrude from either
side. Press screw cup into the screw recess until the wave spring
locks into the screws retaining groove.
D. Attempt to remove screw cup from the screw by hand. Screw cup
should move approximately 1/16” as the spring compresses. If the
screw cup can be removed by hand, either the