Step 1.
Before using any RENFROE clamp, refer to the Application Section to
confirm that the operation to be undertaken is a n appropriate application
for this product.
Step 2.
Select the appropriate capacity and thickness range. The model desig-
nation, capacity and thickness range are stenciled on each clamp.
WARNING: Never exceed rated capacity or use on a member
whose thickness is not within the range of the jaw opening sten-
ciled on the clamp. Lift only one member on each lift.
Step 3.
Inspect each clamp before each use.
WARNING: Do not use if clamp is in need of repair.
If in doubt, refer to the Maintenance Section for detailed maintenance
instructions and detailed drawings for clamp part identification.
A. Check the clamp to be certain the Identification and warning
tags are present and legible.
B. Do not use the clamp if the tags are missing or illegible
C. Inspect gripping surfaces for wear and defects. Gripping surfaces
must be sharp and free of foreign matter. The screw cup and swivel
jaw should turn freely. Set screw must not protrude from either the
screw cup or the swivel jaw..
D. Screw should turn freely. Inspect for wear and damage. Internal
springs must hold swivel jaw and screw cup in “Centered” position
with the gripping surfaces at 90 degrees to the length of the screw.
WARNING: Do not use clamp unless springs are in place and are
holding the swivel jaw and screw cup at 90 degrees to the length of
the screw.