3�1 Installing SIMPLEX sliceware / SIMPLEX print
4�1 Starting SIMPLEX sliceware
4�2�3 Undoing / redoing actions
4�2�5 Adding / removing objects
4�3 Slicing / Creating a G-Code / switching to the G-Code view
4�4�1 Switching to the Objects view
4�4�5 Loading / saving a G-Code
4.4.7 Printing using a USB flash drive
5.3.1 Switching information windows on/off
5�3�5 Generating a G-Code again
5�3�7 Loading / saving a G-Code
5.3.9 Printing using a USB flash drive
6�1 Connecting the printer via USB or Wi-Fi
6�2 Automatically starting SIMPLEX print
6�3 Print process using SIMPLEX print