4.2.8 Dropping objects
The object is dropped onto the print bed�
Click "Drop"�
An information window opens with information on dropping an object (see Fig� 1)�
Place the mouse over the object that you would like to drop�
A small blue arrow appears and shows the layer with which the object is dropped onto the print bed�
Left-click to perform a drop onto the layer that is shown�
Before dropping an object, it is helpful to rotate it in such a way that the layer onto which the ob-
ject is to be dropped can be easily clicked, or to select the corresponding view.
4.2.9 Duplicating objects
There are two ways to duplicate an object:
Select the object�
Press and hold the ALT key�
Move the mouse�
A copy of the object is generated that can be moved and placed as required�
Click "Move"�
Select the object�
In the information window, click "Multiply"�
Specify how many instances of the same object should be avail-
able after multiplication has been completed� If you would like
one copy, for example, enter "2"�
Click "OK"�
A copy of the object is generated and placed on the print bed�
If you select several objects, all the selected objects are multiplied.
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