16) Test PERFM G/A
Shows the check results
A)Time Measure ..............................OK
for the performance
B)RESERVED ..................................OK
analysis controlling
C)Subroutine Count Measurement ..............OK
circuits in the E6000
D)Timeout Function (TIMOT Bit) ..............OK
(normal completion).
E)Timeout Function (TIMOP Bit) ..............OK
17) Test Bus Monitor
Shows the check results
A) Register..................................OK
for the bus monitor
B) Parallel RAM..............................OK
controlling circuits in the
C) SPRSEL2...................................OK
E6000 (normal
D) RAM monitor...............................OK
18) Test Parallel Access
Shows the check results
A)Internal ROM Parallel Read Access(WORD) .......OK
for the parallel access
B)Internal ROM Parallel Write Access(WORD) ......OK
controlling circuits in the
C)Internal ROM Parallel Write Access(High Byte) .OK
E6000 (normal
D)Internal ROM Parallel Write Access(Low Byte) ..OK
E)Internal RAM Parallel Read Access(WORD) .......OK
F)Internal RAM Parallel Write Access(WORD) ......OK
G)Internal RAM Parallel Write Access(High Byte) .OK
H)Internal RAM Parallel Write Access(Low Byte) ..OK
19) Test H8S/2268 Register Read/Write
Shows the check results
A) Register Read.............................OK
for the register in the
B) Register Decode Test......................OK
H8S/2268 series (normal
C) LCDRAM Marching Test......................OK
D) Register Reset............................OK
E) Medium-speed mode Register access.........OK
20) Test TMR_4
Shows the check results
A) OVI4(Clock select PHI/8)..................OK
for the TMR4 register
B) OVI5(Clock select PHISUB/2)...............OK
(normal completion).
C) OVI6(Clock select PHI/8)..................OK
D) OVI7(Clock select PHISUB/2)...............OK
E) Exiting Watch Mode by OVI.................OK
Tests run for xH:xM:xS
Shows the check time.
0 total errors
Total number of errors.
Tests passed, emulator functioning correctly
Shows that the E6000 is
correctly operating.