10) Test Emulation RAM Hardware Break
Shows the check results
A) GRD Break ............................OK
for the illegal access break
B) WPT Break ............................OK
controlling circuits in the
C) WPT(ROM) Break .......................OK
E6000 (normal completion).
11) Test Internal ROM Write-Protect
Shows the check results
A) Write-Protect ......................OK
for the internal ROM write-
protection controlling
circuits in the E6000
(normal completion).
12) Test Hardware Break
Shows the check results for
A)Break Point Initialized ............OK
the hardware break control
B)Event Detectors CES channel 1-12 ...OK
circuits in the E6000 (normal
C)Test Sequencing 1 ..................OK
D)Check Range Break ..................OK
E)Range Break Test for Data ..........OK
F)Check Compare Either ...............OK
13) Test Emulation RAM Trace
Shows the check results for
A)Free Trace .........................OK
the trace controlling circuits
B)Range Trace ........................OK
in the E6000 (normal
C)Point to Point Trace ...............OK
D)Start and Stop Event Trace .........OK
E)Trace memory Overflow ..............OK
F)Time STAMP Trace (20MHz) ...........OK
G)Time STAMP Trace (10MHz) ...........OK
H)Time STAMP Trace (TEST mode)........OK
14) Test Runtime counter
Shows the check results for
A)Runtime counter (20.0MHz) ..........OK
the run-time counter in the
B)Runtime counter (10.0MHz) ..........OK
E6000 (normal completion).
C)Runtime counter (SUB:32.768kHz) ....OK
15) Test Emulation Monitor
Shows the check
A)EMA23-EMA0 ....................................OK
results for the
B)ACST2-ACST0 ...................................OK
emulation monitor
C)ASEST3-ASEST0 .................................OK
controlling circuits in
D)ASEBRKACK .....................................OK
the E6000 (normal
E)CNN ...........................................OK
F)NOCLK,NOCLK2 ..................................OK
G)WINDOW ........................................OK
H)SUBACT ........................................OK
I)OTHER .........................................OK