10.� Che�k that the border ha�� the
�orre�t ��hape (
11.� �ir��t �onne�t the refrigerant
pipe�� to the blo�king valve�� by
hand to en��ure a �orre�t fit.�
12.� Then permanently ��e�ure the
���rew atta�hment�� u��ing 2
��panner�� of appropriate ��ize.�
While tightening, alway�� hold
with a ��panner (
13.� �it the two in��talled refrigerant
pipe��, in�luding the �onne�tor��,
with appropriate heat in��ula-
14.� Only u��e in��ulation ho��e�� that
are ��uitable for u��e and ��uf-
fi�iently re��i��tant to diffu��ion in
the relevant temperature range.�
Additional installation in-
When the outdoor unit i�� u��ed
in �ombination with �ertain in-
door unit��, the refrigerant pipe��
may need to be �onne�ted in
a different way.� �f ��o, fit the
�f ��o, fit the
�f ��o, fit the
redu�ing or expanding ���rew
atta�hment�� ��upplied to the
indoor unit.�
�f the ba��i� length of the �on-
ne�tion line i�� greater than 5m,
refrigerant mu��t be added to
the ��y��tem during initial opera-
See “Adding refrigerant” ��e�-
Leak test
On�e all �onne�tion�� have been
made, the manometer ��tation i��
atta�hed to the �orre��ponding
S�hrader valve �onne�tion��, if fit-
�� ��mall valve
�� ��mall valve
�� ��mall valve
�� inje�tion pre����ure
�� inje�tion pre����ure
blue �� large valve
�� large valve
�� large valve
�� ��u�tion pre����ure
�� ��u�tion pre����ure
After �onne�tion, the leak te��t i��
performed with dry nitrogen.�
The leak te��t involve�� ��praying
the �onne�tion�� fitted with leak
dete�tion ��pray.� �f bubble�� �an be
�f bubble�� �an be
�f bubble�� �an be
��een, the �onne�tion i�� not fitted
�n thi�� �a��e, tighten the ���rew at-
ta�hment or �reate a new border.�
After a ��u��e����ful leak te��t, the
ex�e���� pre����ure i�� removed from
the refrigerant pipe�� and a va�uum
pump with an ab��olute final partial
pre����ure of at lea��t 0.�01 mbar i��
��tarted up to �reate a va�uum in
the pipe��.� Thi�� al��o remove�� any
Thi�� al��o remove�� any
Thi�� al��o remove�� any
re��idual moi��ture from the pipe��.�
A vacuum of at least
0.05 mbar abs. must be
The time taken to �reate the
va�uum depend�� on the pipe
volume in the indoor unit and the
length of the refrigerant pipe��, but
the pro�e���� definitely take�� at lea��t
0 minutes
On�e foreign ga��e�� and moi��ture
have been �ompletely removed
from the ��y��tem, the valve�� on the
manometer ��tation are �lo��ed and
the valve�� on the outdoor unit are
opened a�� de���ribed in the “�nitial
operation” ��e�tion.�
Only tools that are approved
for use on refrigeration equip-
ment may be used.
Pipe cutters, deburrers and
bordering tools.
Correct border shape
Tightening with 1
Holding with
2nd ��panner
Tightening screw attachments
1 4
“ 12-16 Nm
3 8
“ 28-32 Nm
1 2
“ 40-44 Nm
5 8
“ 64-68 Nm
Summary of Contents for RKS 435H
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