The outdoor unit i�� operated by
the �ontroller for the �onne�ted
indoor unit.�
�or thi�� rea��on, the in��tru�tion��
in the “Operation” ��e�tion of the
indoor unit manual mu��t be fol-
Short-term shutdown
1.� Shut down the ��y��tem u��ing
the remote �ontrol.�
2.� Di���onne�t the power ��upply to
the unit.�
3.� �n��pe�t the unit for vi��ible dam-
age and �lean it a�� de���ribed in
the “Care and maintenan�e”
4.� �f po����ible, �over the unit
with a pla��ti� ��heet to prote�t
it again��t the effe�t�� of the
Permanent shutdown
The unit�� and �omponent�� mu��t
be di��po��ed of in line with appli-
�able regional regulation��, e.�g.� by
authori��ed di��po��al and re�y�ling
�ompanie�� or at de��ignated �olle�-
tion point��.�
REMKO GmbH & Co.� KG or your
�ontra�tual partner will be able to
provide you with the name of an
appropriate ��pe�iali��t �ompany in
your area.�
Shutting down
Regular �are and �omplian�e with
�ertain ba��i� requirement�� en��ure
fault-free operation of the unit and
long ��ervi�e life.�
Care and maintenance
The power supply must be
disconnected and secured
against reconnection before
carrying out any work on the
Keep the unit free of ��oiling,
fouling and other depo��it��.�
Clean the unit�� with a moi��t
Do not u��e a water jet.�
Do not u��e any �leaner�� that
are ��harp, abra��ive or �ontain
Only u��e appropriate �lean-
ing agent��, even for extremely
��evere ��oiling.�
�f ne�e����ary, �he�k the level of
��oiling of the ex�hanger fin��.�
Cover the unit with a pla��ti�
��heet to prevent dirt from get-
ting into the unit.�
We re�ommend that you ar-
range a maintenan�e �ontra�t
with annual maintenan�e inter-
val�� with an appropriate ��pe�ial-
i��t firm.�
Thi�� will en��ure reliable opera-
tion of the ��y��tem at all time��!
Type of work
Checks / maintenance / inspection
Initial operation
Half yearly
Che�king voltage and �urrent
Che�king �ompre����or fun�tion
Che�king fan fun�tion
�in ex�hanger ��oiling
Che�king refrigerant level
Che�king �onden��ation drain
Che�king in��ulation
This will ensure reliable
operation of the system at
all times!
Summary of Contents for RKS 435H
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