• Shave immediately before treating the
area. Doing this will let you use a higher
energy level, because there will be less
hair to heat up and the treatment will be
more comfortable. How well you shave
will make a big difference in how the
treatment feels. See page 22.
• Use the highest energy level setting
that’s comfortable for you. Higher energy
levels are more effective. See page 25.
• Have a plan to work each treatment
area in an organized, grid-like pattern to
ensure that you don’t overlap treatment
Getting the Best Results
DO NOT physically mark the
treatment area with grid pattern as this
could cause injury to the skin.
• If you’ve waxed, tweezed or epilated the
hair in the treatment area, wait 6 weeks
before using the system. IPL uses the
hair under your skin to disable your hair
follicles, so it is not effective if the hair
has been pulled out.
• Stick with the full treatment for
each body area.