Cigarette Lighter Adapter for powering the CPM from a
12VDC automobile socket
Rechargeable Batteries
Soft carrying case
This package includes several accessories for RF analysis up to
3GHz, Infrared analysis, acoustic leakage testing, network and
telephone testing adaptors, and other accessories.
The CPM-700 DELUXE package is designed for the serious TSCM
user who wants to get the most out of the CPM-700. This package
includes all currently available probes and accessories, including the
directional Broadband Microwave Probe, which extends the range of
the CPM-700 to 12GHz and adds additional sensitivity in the
common 2.4 GHz range over the Standard RF Probe. The CPM-
700 DELUXE package includes the following:
CPM-700 Countersurveillance Probe/Monitor
Standard RF Probe, frequency range of 50kHz-3GHz
Broadband Microwave Probe (BMP-1200), frequency range
of 2GHz-12GHz (This probe is directional and much more
sensitive than the standard RF probe in the common
2.4GHz range.)
Acoustic Leakage Probe for evaluating structural bound
audio leakage
RF Sniffer Probe (10MHz-3GHz) for pinpointing surveillance
devices where the Standard RF Probe may become
saturated with RF energy
Infrared Probe
VLF Carrier Current Probe
TVLF Patch Cable
Magnetic Leakage Probe
Auxiliary Patch Cord
Modular Phone Adapter for network and phone line testing
Tape Recorder Patch Cords
Cigarette Lighter Adapter for powering the CPM from a
12VDC automobile socket
Rechargeable Batteries