Log Book
Maintain a logbook for future reference of data pertaining to various target
areas that have been inspected. To guarantee privacy, assign each location
or customer a discreet number, without listing names or addresses.
During the initial sweep, record critical equipment setup and adjustment
information and data from readings obtained during the sweep. Follow-up
sweeps with the aid of the logbook can then be more efficient and effective.
Follow-up Sweeps
If you plan to provide follow-up sweeps, much of the repeat inspection time
can be reduced by covertly marking screws on wall plates, outlets,
telephone base plates and/or other accessible equipment. Invisible ultra-
violet markers and portable UV lights can be used to mark the position of
the screws and will show if someone has tampered with a previously
inspected object.
Notes of what items have been marked can be added to your logbook for
future reference.
More Tips
Once a bug is uncovered, do not break your covert procedure. Do not
assume that there is only one device planted. Eavesdroppers often plant
two or more devices for backup or to produce better reception. Sometimes,
when the eavesdropper knows that you suspect a bug, he will plant one or
more for you to find, hoping you will be satisfied with your “catch” and stop
The CPM-700 can also perform an “audio feedback detection” of an
audio surveillance device. The audio feedback method uses the internal
speaker to cause sound regeneration, i.e., speaker sounds are projected
into the area, a surveillance device with a microphone “hears” the sound
and transmits it back simultaneously to the CPM-700 input. This feedback
will cause an audio “squeal” sound from the speaker. This is a positive
identification of a bug.
Remember: The eavesdropper listening to the device will also hear the
“feedback.” If a remote control is used with this “bug” it may be
deactivated. A sweep should be covert; try not to make recognizable
sounds that may only serve to escalate the problem.