Electrical voltage
Do not touch any parts that are under voltage.
Isolate yourself from the workpiece to be cut and from the ground; wear insulating gloves and clothing.
Wear insulating gloves and clothing.
Do not work with damaged or badly connected cables or with loose pliers cables.
Keep work clothes and body dry.
Do not lean the body against the workpiece to be cut.
Protect the supply system with a thermo-magnetic switch of suitable rating, if possible near the generator.
Do not use the machine if any of its components or guards have been removed.
Make sure that the supply system is properly earthed.
Make sure that the plasma cutter is always securely positioned so that it cannot fall down. Use a drop safety
device when working at high altitudes.
Always switch on the plasma cutter only when all cables are correctly connected.
Make sure that all accessories are correctly connected and always ensure that the ground connection is
Risk of explosion
Make sure that there are no ignitable materials near the work area.
Pay attention to flammable gas mixtures in the work area (ventilation and exhaust).
Never cut tanks containing flammable or ignitable materials.
When cutting aluminium, be aware that hydrogen atoms are stored in the aluminium when using water
cutting tables and underwater plasma cutting. Trapped hydrogen can cause explosions.
Replace compressed air lines that are damaged or show signs of damage.
Keep pressure reducers in good working order.
Do not cut in environments with dust, gas or explosive fumes.
Risk of fire
Make sure that there are no flammable, ignitable materials near the working area.
Have suitable extinguishing agents ready.
Avoid the spread of open fire due to sparks, slag and glowing material.
Make sure that fire protection devices are located near the work area.
Protect their bodies against burns and ultraviolet radiation by wearing fireproof protective
clothing (gloves, headgear, shoes and masks, etc.).
Moving parts or thermal parts can damage their bodies or cause harm to other people.
Keep the plasma torch away from your own body and that of other people.
Make sure there are first aid materials near the work area.
Replace the viewing window of the mask if it is damaged or unsuitable for the welding work to
be carried out.
Wait until the machined parts have cooled down before handling them.
The arc throws spatter and sparks. Always wear oil-free protective clothing, such as leather
gloves, non-impact trousers and high heels. Cover hair with a cap.