Description of function
Fig. 3.5
The current cycle diagram for latched trigger operation (4 step)
Special Note:
to Step 2
If the torch button is pressed during the downslope phase, the arc
will extinguish and the shielding gas flows for the time set by the
post flow gas parameter.
to Step 3
The arc can be extinguished at any time during the downslope
phase. Releasing the torch button before the crater fill current
extinguishes the arc and the shielding gas flows for the time set by
the post flow gas parameter.
3.3.12 The non-latched torch trigger mode (2 step)
The setting for the 2-step function is performed as described in section 3.1. The
non-latched torch trigger mode is recommended for fast controlled tacking, and
for manual spot welding operations.
Step 1: Torch button is depressed.
The gas solenoid opens and gas flows.
The arc will be struck once the pre-flow gas time has elapsed.
The welding current level will automatically rise in the time set by the upslope
time parameter for the start current up to the welding current (I1).
Step 2: Torch button is released.
The welding current will decay automatically for the time set by the downslope
time parameter to the crater fill current level and the arc extinguishes itself.
The shielding continues to flow for the time set by the post-flow gas time
Torch trigger 1
Solenoid valve
Welding current