Before installation, make sure that the length of side rails is suitable for the length of
mattress’s platform (see section
Lower/raise the bed to its medium height
(see section 8.6.2 regarding the operation
of the bed’s electrical functions).
Depress each end’s side rail release button
(see section 8.5.3) and lower the finger
assemblies to the bottom of the channel.
On the foot end, remove the retaining
screw at the bottom of the side rail
channel on one side.
Do not remove head
end retaining screws.
Remove the finger assembly from the channel.
Take two side rails (rounded face pointing upward) and slide the end of them into
set of fingers that is still located in the channels at the head end of the bed.
Carefully rest the unattached ends on the floor taking care to ensure that the other
ends are sufficiently far into the fingers so that they will not fall out.
Take the previously removed finger assembly, place the lift wire over the top finger
set (as shown in the picture below) and insert into the other end of the top side
rail. Slide the finger assembly inside the channel.
It is recommended that a second
person holds the rail at this point.
Whilst holding the top side rail, slide the plastic spacer
block into the channel and place the upper finger of the
bottom finger set through the hole in the lift wire (as
shown in illustration to the right) and into the other end
of the lower side rail and lift the assembly until a click is
Re-fit the previously removed retaining screw. This
ensures that the side rail finger assembly cannot fall out
of the channel when in the lowered position.