RTC 13e - www.regulus.eu
The heat pump is part of the energy system of the house. The correct design of a heat pump
depends on the energy needs of the building and should be carried out by a specialist. These
methods of connection are the most commonly used and serve as a basis for the project. If
project documentation exists, follow it.
The system control is ensured by an IR RegulusBOX smart controller (included in
RegulusBOX indoor unit), or a separate IR 14 RTC smart controller can be used.
The controller controls the entire heating and hot water system. It is equipped
with an integrated web server permitting control through a web browser, or via a
smartphone or tablet with the IR Client application (for Android and iOS).
3.1. Direct connection to a heating system, DHW heating in a hot water tank
The accessory is represented by RegulusBOX (code 18574) or an additional heat source in
the form of an in line heater (code 16166) equipped with an electric heating element of up to
7.5 kW output and an optional indirect heated hot water storage tank with a heat exchanger
surface of
min. 1.5 sqm
. The larger the heat exchange area of the HW storage tank, the
faster the DHW heating will be and the heat pump will be able to prepare hot water more
economically, or it will be able to heat DHW to a higher temperature.
In this direct connection to the heating system, it is necessary to keep the minimum flow
through the heat pump at the level of
min. 1100 l/h
with sufficient heat supply for defrosting, i.e.
it is necessary to have a part of the heating system without shut-off valves (e.g. thermostatic
valves) installed. Approximately it is at least 5 radiators of normal size (e.g. 0.6 x 0.9 m), or at
least 30 sqm of underfloor heating without the possibility to be shut off.
Heat pump
Expansion vessel
CSE TV pump station
Safety kit
Expansion vessel
Hot water storage tank