10. Before Each Use
a) Checking the Connections
Check all screws for tightness before transport and flights. Vibration during transport and flight may cause screws to
loosen. Due to this, you need to conduct a thorough pre-flight check just as for a real helicopter.
b) Checking Movable Parts
Always check all movable parts and all parts with bearings for unobstructed movement before flying. They must be
easy to move, but without play.
c) Adjustment of the Neutral Position
For the stabilisation of the QuadroCopter to work correctly, the neutral position must be set. This is the position that the
QuadroCopter tries to stabilise as long as no other flying manoeuvre is desired.
Proceed in the following sequence:
1) Switch on the transmitter.
2) Set THROTTLE to zero and all other levers and trims to the neutral position.
3) Put the QuadroCopter on a horizontal, level surface (check with spirit level if required!)
4) Connect the rechargeable battery to the QuadroCopter.
5) LD2 (red LED) must be OFF and LD1 (green LED) ON on the flight control PCB.
6) Move THROTTLE to full deflection and YAW to full deflection
on the right (figure 14).
7) The neutral position is saved when LD1 (green LED) on the flight control PCB flashes.
8) Move the THROTTLE back to zero, move YAW, PITCH, and ROLL into the neutral position.
9) LD2 (red LED) must be OFF and LD1 (green LED) ON on the flight control PCB. The QuadroCopter is now ready
for flight!
Figure 14