10. Adjustment options on the vehicle
Once you have familiarized yourself with the driving characteristics of the model, you can proceed to optimizing the
running characteristics of the model.
However, the explanations of the correlation between chassis set-up settings and driving behaviour are very complex
and would go beyond the scope of these instructions. For this reason, we can only show the setting options provided.
For further information we have to refer you to appropriate specialist magazines as well as comprehensive reference
books on this subject.
a) Front axis
Figure 5
With an Allen key, you can adjust both the wheel camber as well as the positive/negative toe. Depending on the used
rim, you can make your adjustments through the rim openings. Otherwise, you have to take off the rim first.
Change the positive/negative toe by simultaneously twisting both screws (3, 4) in the same direction; adjust the wheel
camber by turning both screws contradirectional.
You can mount the vehicle's shock absorbers either on the bottom or the top in different positions (5, 6). To limit the
path of the shock absorbers, use suitable clips.