Battery Replacement
1. When the battery power is not sufficient the LCD will display
2. Replacement of 6 new batteries, type 1.5V size “AA” is required.
3. Once replaced be sure to reinstall the battery cover and the four
screws before operating.
Insulation Resistance Measurements
Measurements at 200MΩ/250V
This is the voltage used for the majority of insulation resistance tests on
normal installation requirements. To measure insulation resistance, press
the test button to turn on the tester.
The LCD will display the insulation resistance. Section VII indicated that
subdivision of large installations might be necessary because of the large
number of parallel insulation resistance. In such a case, an installation
may be divided into sections, each being separately tested. Each section
must have at least fifty outlets, an outlet being a switch, socket, lighting
point etc. A switched socket counts as one outlet. The minimum accept
able insulation resistance is 1MΩ.
For a large installation, the capacitance of the insulation will be high, and
it will take longer for it to become charged by the direct testing voltage.
Be careful not to take a reading until there is a steady reading, indicating
that the charging process is complete.
The charge stored in the insulation will be discharged automatically
when the test button is released. Be careful not to turn the range switch
knob while the test button is pressed, or the instrument will be damaged.
Measurements at 2000MΩ/1000V
Some specifications require testing at 1000V. This voltage must also be
selected where the supply voltage of the installation is between 500V and
1000V. First, set the range switch to 1000V and then proceed as indicated
in above for 500V testing.
continued ...
REED Instruments
1-877-849-2127 | [email protected] | www.reedinstruments.com